Registration Info
Please note: The communications received from Cobb Virtual during registration may vary slightly from the order listed below. For specific term details, please see the Term Information page under Resources > Term Information Page.
Before students start the registration process, CVA encourages them to meet with their local school counselor to make sure they are registering for the right course.
- Student Registers Online: Once registration opens, the student goes to, clicks the drop-down menu, and chooses Register for Classes to begin the registration process. Immediately after registration, the student receives a "Welcome to CVA" email with additional instructions. Students should also receive a confirmation email for each selected course. Students should check their email right away to be sure they have received this information. If students do not receive the Welcome to CVA email AND one email per registered course, they should email the CVA administrative office at
- Students Are Enrolled In CVA Course: The "Welcome to CVA" email will let students know when they have access to their CVA content course. Orientations are located at the beginning of each CVA class.
- Counselors Verify Course Selection: Local school counselors verify student course selections within 3 business days after students have access to their content course. Students and parents will receive an email from the counselor when verification is complete. If the student is taking a course as a tuition student, the verification email will contain payment information.
- Tuition Students Only: Parents and students will receive an email with payment information upon counselor course verification. Payment must be received within 1 week of receiving the "CVA Course Approved: Tuition" email or by the end of online registration, whichever is earlier.